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Italian House

Benvenutti a casa italiana!

Experience the Italian world through immersion in the Italian House, located in Hardy Hall. Living in casa italiana is your opportunity to immerse yourself in the Italian culture through a wide variety of activities: movie and game nights, cooking classes, conversation hours, bocce tournaments, potlucks, and more! Our in-house International Fellow also leads conversation and tutoring hours.

For more information you should check out the Italian House FaceBook page. Our casa italiana bulletin board is located on the 3rd floor of Washington Hall. Here you can find interesting and fun information about Italy and our monthly events.

Questions? Please contact the Italian Language House International Fellow, or the Italian Studies program director [[sferrarese, Sergio Ferrarese]]. Students who wish to apply should visit the Language Houses section of Residence Life's website or contact [[bmtyle, Blanca Tyler]] in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures.